October 6, 2023
Good morning!
It has felt SO GOOD to be back at school - even if it is part time for now. I cannot thank you enough for all of the support, love, and prayers given to me while I was out. Our St. Augustine family is nothing but the best!
October is the month of the Holy Rosary, so students will be learning more about the rosary this month. They will also lead a living rosary on September 25th at 9:20 a.m., which is open to parents, grandparents, etc. I hope to see many of you there!
Have a blessed and joy-filled day!
Mrs. Nagel
Parent-Teacher Conferences are October 17th and 18th. At this point, it looks like everyone has a conference time. Please come prepared for the conference by reviewing your child’s graded work, talking with your child, reviewing PowerSchool, and bringing a list of any questions you may have. Below is a link with more tips to make the most of your teacher conference. Please remember that each conference is scheduled for 15 minutes. Should you need additional time, another conference time should be set up.
Battle of the Saints Games
This year each classroom has a patron saint that they are learning about, which is the jumping point for a fun, family evening! Our first Battle of the Saints games will occur November 10th at 6 pm. The name of the game is basketball! Teams will include parents and children, so please mark your calendars!!! There will be a concession stand at which we will serve pizza slices, popcorn, and other snacks, so while you are not playing you can get a snack and cheer from the bleachers!
Parent Volunteer Hours
The annual cost of educating one K – 5 student at St. Augustine School is approximately $8,500.00. This per-student expense is covered by a combination of fundraising activity profits, donations, parish subsidy, and tuition.
The members of St. Augustine Parish have a strong commitment to the mission of the school and to the ministry of education. In the past year, the fundraising activities, donations, and tuition and fees covered about 75% of the total cost of operation of the school. St. Augustine Parish subsidizes the other 25%.
All parents are expected to give their time and effort to the school by volunteering and supporting fundraising projects. That support and volunteerism comes in the form of…
If you are needing volunteer hour options, please see the list below.
NO Early Birds & After Care on
Thursday and Friday, October 26 and 27 -
Tuesday, December 19th
Upcoming Events...
October 6th - Pet Blessing after school (parishioners welcome)
October 9th - PFA Meeting at 6 pm at Aydas
October 13th - Mother-Son Game Night
October 17 & 18 - Parent Teacher Conference
October 20-23 = Fall Break
October 25 - Living Rosary at 9:20 am
October 26 & 27 = INPEC Conference for K-5 teachers, E-Learning for K-5 students (PK will be in session.)
1st- All Saints Day Mass at 8:15 with Saint presentation to follow in school gym
2nd - All Souls Day Mass at 10 am at Mt. Calvary Cemetery (Grades 2 to 5 only)
10th - Veterans Day Program at 2 pm
10th - Battle of the Saints Games 6:00 - 7:00
13th - PFA Meeting at 6 pm at Aydas
15th - Donor Appreciation Luncheon (Chefs and servers will be needed.)
17th - Talent Show at 2 pm
2nd- Donuts with Santa
11th - PFA Meeting
12th - Christmas Program - 6:30 in school gym
15th -Christmas Shop during the school day. Send $$ with your child.
19th - Mass @ 8:15
19th - Mass & Caroling in PM